
Monday, December 28, 2009


Finally found a moment to sit and blog a bit...

It's taken me two entire weeks to get my house back to something that resembles clean and it's SUCH a relief. The babies and I have all been fighting this cold since before we left Phoenix and my poor baby girl has the worst of it right now. :( I can't even give her any medicine!

Fortunately, I got a Winter Break from school so at least for now I don't have to worry about that. It really frustrates me that all I need is about half an hour, every other day for school and somehow I still turn in every other assignment late. Go figure. And after I finish this class, I'll go back to having two classes at a time. Pretty nervous about that. Even during my break I can't help but stress over school a little. & I haven't even checked my grades yet! Ha!

Today I'm bound and determined to get my house back to my standards. I think I'll feel a ton better & it'll be a lot easier to get everyone back to healthy again. Plus, the New Year is about to start and I'm gonna do the next one even better than the last. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

And I thought a girl would be easier!

I have a strong mom, strong sisters, strong aunties and a strong Nana ~ what was I thinking! Little Layla Jean has the energy (and lungs) of the lot. Don't get me wrong, I love my little angel.. .. .. although it's a much easier when she's not being a little devil.

Now, my mom would be so grateful to hear the words, "I wish I had been a nicer kid, then maybe Karma wouldn't be hitting me so hard" ~ Eh, yeah, uhm. ... we'll get back to that. As I look at my little princess, I can't help but think how lucky I am and ohhh how Ben and I have our work cut out for us!

Most parents worry about sibling rivalry with a new baby in the house. Not me. Luke has been such a wonderful big brother. When Layla Jean feels the need to express herself, he'll pipe up with, "hush sister". At's my boy! You tell her, Luke!

With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I can't help but think about all I am grateful for. Sure, things could have been different or easier, but ya know, I wouldn't change a moment of my life for the world. I have a man who loves me and sticks by me. I have two wonderful kids and an endless future. . .. .. now, tell me if that's not something to be thankful for.